Reaching out to an attorney for help regarding a matter of sexual harassment at work is an important step towards resolution, but it can seem daunting. In this article we will review when to reach out to an attorney, and how to best prepare for a legal consultation regarding a sex harassment case. 

Sexual Harassment at Work

Both federal law and California employment law prohibit workplace sexual harassment. Generally, sexual harassment includes verbal or physical conduct that is sexual in nature and motivated by an employee’s sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Harassment takes many forms; it can be verbal, written in the form of emails or text messages, physical, or through a third party, and can occur at work or outside of work. If you work remotely, the legal standard for proving sexual harassment remains the same. 

Learn more about how to identify and respond to sexual harassment in the workplace:

Contacting a Lawyer

If you or someone who you know is facing sexual harassment in the workplace, reach out to an attorney. If you are struggling to find attorneys to contact, try visiting the National Employment Lawyers Association website or the California Employment Lawyers Association website. 

Many lawyers will offer a free initial consultation. Whether or not you feel that you are confident about wanting to pursuing legal claims, consulting with an attorney is always smart; discussing your situation with an expert will give you insight into your options and allow you to make an informed decision. 

For a variety of reasons, including stigma, fear, and shame, sexual harassment goes under-reported. It takes courage to speak up about sexual harassment, and to reach out to an attorney. At Avloni Law, we bring empathy to our attorney-client relationship. We understand that sexual harassment can be incredibly traumatizing and can cause significant emotional distress, including post-traumatic stress disorder, for the survivor.

As such, we work with our clients to provide legal advice and support in a way that considers our clients’ emotional needs. We pledge to assist in every way that we can, and to provide our clients with referrals to other support and advocacy resources beyond our legal capacity when needed.

What to Expect in a Consultation with a Sex Harassment Lawyer

The Intake Phone Call

When you reach out to a law firm for a consultation, you will most likely be scheduled to have an intake phone call appointment. This appointment may be with a legal assistant, a paralegal, or with an attorney. The aim of this call is typically to gather the basic facts and timeline of your claims, answer questions that you might have, and assess whether or not the firm may be a good fit for you. On this initial call it is important that you are ready with your facts; be prepared to talk in detail about what has been going on, when and where relevant events have transpired. It is beneficial to you to communicate your situation efficiently and effectively; preparing a timeline of events and writing down notes of important dates, details, and witnesses may be helpful in allowing you to clearly present your case. The intake phone call is also a great opportunity for you to ask any questions that you may have.

Note that even on an initial intake phone call, attorney client privilege is active – everything you share is confidential.

Fact Gathering

Following the initial intake call, the attorneys may choose to take a closer look at your case. Be prepared to have multiple follow up conversations with attorneys to review your facts in detail. The lawyers will likely also request to see what documents you have, and may ask you to send them a timeline of events, in addition to copies of relevant emails, notes, and text messages. It is important for attorneys to understand the evidence associated with the facts in order to assess whether or not they can take on the case.

What To Consider When Hiring a Sex Harassment Attorney

Once you have consulted with an attorney, you may be considering whether or not to hire the attorney to represent you. There are many factors to consider, personal, financial, and otherwise when deciding whether or not to hire an attorney or take legal action by bringing an employment case. 

First and foremost, it is critical that you hire an employment attorney who you believe will be an effective advocate for you. Attorney and client are a team; if you are going to hire an attorney it is important that you and your lawyer have a positive relationship with strong communication and mutual trust. 

It is no secret that hiring an experienced employment lawyer can be expensive. Whether or not it is worthwhile to hire an attorney depends on the specific circumstances of the issue, and on the attorney fee agreement. 

When hiring legal representation, it is important to understand the cost-benefit. Your attorney can advise you about the damages you might be able to recover, along with what fees they may charge you. In some states, including California, you may be able to recover your legal costs if you prevail in your case. Be sure to understand the attorney fee structure, what their flat fees are, and what they may charge you. Some attorneys may also offer a contingency fee, meaning that they will only recover if you prevail in your case.


Navruz Avloni is an experienced sexual harassment attorney who understands that victims of harassment need compassionate and dedicated support. The skilled team at Avloni Law is experienced in representing victims of harassment through the legal process, and bringing sexual harassment cases on behalf of our clients. Contact the team at Avloni Law in order to learn more about your rights, discuss your potential claims, and obtain legal advice. Call the Avloni Law Firm today for a free consultation. 
