No one deserves to be the victim of racial discrimination or a civil rights violation. Each person is unique and deserves to be treated equally to another. Not only is every human worthy of fair treatment, but it is a legal requirement as well. Those who find themselves facing a breach to their rights are wise to consider speaking with a lawyer. A legal team can protect groups and individuals from discrimination and violations to their rights through lawsuits and pursuit of compensation. Here we have gone into further detail about your civil rights and examples of offenses that may warrant taking legal action.

Civil Right Infringement

If you suspect that your rights were infringed upon by an offending party, getting more information about what your options are in obtaining justice is a good place to start. Your employment discrimination lawyer can assist with legal claims so that the offender is held accountable for their unlawful actions. Your legal team can help you with cases such as infringements to freedom of speech, assembly, or religion; the right to procedural due process; the right to petition the government; and freedom from discrimination based on national origin, religion, race, sex, and other characteristics. If you aren’t sure if what you experienced gives you grounds for filing a lawsuit, consider scheduling a consultation where a lawyer can advise from there.

Understanding Your Rights

A violation of your rights must not be tolerated to any degree. By law, the constitution grants civil rights and civil liberties to individuals including the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom to vote, the right to privacy, freedom of the press, right to a fair trial, right to receive government services, right to privacy, freedom from unlawful seizures and searches, freedom from unusual and cruel punishment, freedom from discrimination employment, and freedom from discrimination based on protected characteristics.

Police Brutality

There have been many instances where police have used excessive force against someone, whether they were in the midst of an arrest or not. Law enforcement are known to use more force than is required to handle a situation with civilians. Police may use their power in an unlawful way that then causes serious harm or fatalities. An officer may utilize tactics that are far from proper or reasonable to apprehend a person they deem a suspect. If you have been the victim of police brutality or another infringement to your civil rights, it’s important to take care of yourself and recruit a team of people around you for support.

All too often people are treated adversely, particularly by those with power but who choose to not yield it with care. When violations to human rights occur, it isn’t uncommon for victims to consider taking legal action against the offending individual, company, organization, or other party for how they have been affected. As our friends at Cohen & Cohen would agree, every person deserves fair treatment regardless of their defining characteristics.
