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sexual harassment at work

What Sexual Harassment At Work Looks Like

Sexual harassment should never happen at all, but unfortunately, it does. No one should have to go to work and fear that they will become the victim of workplace harassment. There are various ways that sexual harassment is inflicted on someone else, and in every instance it should be brought to light so that the…

Exempt v. Non Exempt Employment

Exempt v. Non-Exempt Employment Status

What is the difference between being an exempt employee and a non-exempt employee? Exempt and non-exempt employment status determine how an employee is paid, and what legal protections they have while at work. Exempt Employees: Exempt employees are ‘exempt’ from, and not covered by, the legal protections laid out in the Fair Labor Standards Act…

Sexual harassment in the restaurant industry

Sexual Harassment in The Restaurant Industry

Over the past decade, the #MeToo and Time’s Up movements have shed light on sexual harassment and assault in high profile sectors such as Hollywood, politics, and tech, and by well-known personalities and public figures. However, the movements did little to highlight the insidious and routine sexual harassment faced by employees working lower profile, and…

Wrongful termination

How To File a Wrongful Termination Lawsuit

If you have been fired, you may be wondering whether or not you should file a wrongful termination lawsuit. Regardless of the circumstances, getting fired is upsetting, and may likely feel unfair and unjust. However, not all terminations are legally wrongful, and proving that a termination is illegal can be complicated. Navruz Avloni is an…

Non compete agreement

Non-Compete And Non-Solicitation Agreements

Many employment agreements contain non-compete and non-solicitation clauses, and nationally, the use of these agreements are becoming increasingly common at work. Employers may insist that employees sign non-compete and non-solicitation agreements as conditions of employment, and refuse to hire or continue to employ workers who are unwilling to enter into these agreements. However, the legality…

types of sexual harassment

Different Types Of Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

Over half a decade ago, the anti-sexual assault and women’s empowerment movements #MeToo and Time’s Up raised global awareness of widespread sexual harassment and assault. Sexual harassment and assault remain serious issues in the workplace; countless employees of all gender and sexual identities face unlawful harassment on a daily basis. All employees have the right…

Glass Ceiling Discrimination

Glass Ceiling Discrimination in The Workplace

A “glass ceiling” represents an invisible barrier that prevents people from rising beyond a certain level in a workplace. The glass ceiling is typically used in reference to discrimination against women in the workplace, but also applies to discrimination against all marginalized groups. While the barrier is invisible, glass ceiling discrimination has visible effects; it…

Tech Workers Rights

Tech Workers’ Rights

With offices in Silicon Valley and the Bay Area, regions globally recognized as hubs of tech innovation, Avloni Law, has extensive experience representing the interests of tech employees. If you work in the tech sector and believe you may be facing unlawful conduct in the workplace, contact Avloni Law for a consultation today. The tech…

University of California

48,000 Academic Employees at UC Are On Strike

Academic employees at the University of California are on strike. The strike, including 48,000 academic workers, is the largest strike in the history of higher education. Due to the size and reputation of the UC system, the impact of this strike will likely extend beyond UC campuses and set the standard for working conditions at…

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